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windy weather

Last Saturday night I came home from my sister's house around 1am, We had spent the night playing with PJ and watching movies and I was exhausted and ready for bed. I climbed up the two flights of stairs and opened the door to my apartment. Ah heaven! I could see my bed in the near distance beckoning me to warmth and wonderful sleep-induced oblivion. I managed to convince myself to feed my cat and wash up before bed and then climbed into my warm comforter. About 5 minutes later I had read all I was awake enough to read of my book and so I turned comfortably onto my side to go to sleep. The wind blew heavily against my window and so I forced myself up to close the small crack I had opened a few nights before. I crawled back into bed and snuggled gratefully onto my side again preparing for sleep. Just as the world began to fade around me, a loud "bang" rudely pulled me back into my body. I lay silently with my heart beating wildly awaiting the return of the ominous sound.  A moment passed and my eyelids grew heavy. Suddenly another "Bang" jolted me out of my reverie and I sit up in bed groggily. A few more bangs on my window alerted me as to the problem. A large tree outside my window. The wind was forcing the large branches of said tree to pound dramatically against the side of my apartment. A moment passed and the bangs grew so loud that I wondered whether the tree might very well break through the glass. Pictures of me being awakened by a huge branch crashing through my window and over my bed scared me enough to force me up. I made as comfy a bed as I could on my couch and fell asleep feeling a safe distance away from potential danger. I slept fitfully until around 5am when I awoke to my cats movements. The wind was finally gone or at least died down enough to no longer be scary and so I went back to my bed gratefully.


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