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Work is Do'h

I'm sure we've all been at this place before...I certainly have. Yet knowing that I have been here before does not bring much comfort at this point. Life is about to change...actually it has to change. My gut has been telling me this for awhile and I have been neglecting it. I've been choosing comfort and familiarity over listening to my gut because, though it is often right, I still have a hard time trusting it. Instead of my gut churning with frustration over my need to move on couldn't it just be indigestion? Maybe these nightmares are from watching too many scary movies?
No, the huge tornadoes that threaten to kill and destroy everything I cherish, including my own life, in my dreams are not a symptom of eating dill pickles before bed but a symptom of helplessly watching as changes around me threaten to overwhelm me. Work has always been just work for me. It's always been a way to make enough money to live comfortably and pursue other interests, but now it follows me everywhere. I can't even escape into my happy dream world at night anymore. After another disasterous meeting with my supervisor today I have officially made the decision to quit. I wont be devalued by her anymore - I work hard and don't deserve to be treated like a slacker.
So now it's time to lick my wounds and prepare for the job search.
I'll be handing in my notice after my return from Mexico on the first or second week of July.


  1. I'll be sad to lose you, but I understand your decision. I wish you all the best in your new endeavours! - although we will still have a few more opportunities to walk at work before you move on.

    I have a book you might be interested in that I just finished, by Donald Miller (same author of Blue Like Jazz). I'll tell you about it tomorrow and see if you want to borrow it - it's about stories and how life is like a story!


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