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Well it's that time in Canada again...time to vote for a party who the people trust to run our Gov't whether in a majority or a minority position. Typically I don't really choose sides in politics but I have found Harper's attacks on democracy have polorized my position enough to join the Liberal Party. It was a choice between them and the NDP. I like the NDP but the Liberal party won me over after I read Ignatieffs book, "True Patriot Love". I think that with a little experience Ignatieff could actually become a good Prime Minister - he has the right tools, beliefs, and ethics. Of course so did harper when he first started.
I just can't stand by and watch as Canada changes into a Nation that I am no longer proud to call home. Choosing to be a Liberal in Alberta is not easy. It means fighting harder and losing. Having Nenshi elected as our cities mayor gave me a glimpse of hope that Calgarians may be ready for change. I guess we'll see just how ready soon enough. For now I'm doing my part by taking requests for lawn signs on behalf of the Liberal Candidate in my riding (Janice Kinch).


  1. I shared your post with Justin, and he shares your pain about being a non-Conservative in Alberta. "ABC!" (He says that if you follow politics, you'll know what that means.)

    Me? I have a hard time picking sides. But I like hearing about where you are finding yourself, and what you are doing about that. =)


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