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healthy living

When I made a goal of taking my health into my own hands and spending money on seeing a naturopath, I promised myself that I would take his or her advise seriously and make any necessary changes - I just didn't realize how hard it would be. I went to the Calgary Centre for Naturopathic Medicine for an initial consultation/medical and was eased by the relaxed and informative environment I found myself in. It was well designed with nice leather chairs in the waiting room and friendly staff but very busy. Apparently lots of others have decided the same thing I have - orthodox medicine does not have all the answers. Of course that does not negate it's importance but it does leave one with ambiguous symptoms like fatigue and headaches searching for more then the usual looks of pity from doctors who no longer know what to precribe for you. Also there's nothing quite like coming precariously close to death to awaken one to the importance of caring for oneself.
I sat down across from Dr. Riddle and let him quiz me on my health, history, and interest in naturopathy. I kept looking at a small diagnostic machine he had on his desk wondering if he would be using it on me and what it tested for. I found out soon after that it reads energy in the body and is used by the Naturopaths as an important diagnostic tool. Basically by using this tool he was able to tell that there is still a higher than healthy toxicity level in my liver (it was dangerously high when I was in the Hospital last year), I have a mild parasite in my gut (probably from my cat), and I'm allergic to a wackload of everyday foods (oats, wheat, dairy, protein powder, eggs, and pineapple). He handed me a few bottles of natural supplements meant to help with my particular issues (liver cleanse, gut bug destroyer, energy) and made an appointment to do a live blood cell analysis. He also requested that I go to my family doctor and get a blood test done to determine my Ferritin levels and if they are still low then he is going to give me an iron and a B12 shot.
So that went well...I think. You see the problem is that with knowledge comes responsibility. Also because I promised myself I would, it is now necessary to do as suggested. So first of all that includes a blood test - which I hate. Second it involves taking the pills he gave me everyday at certain times and in certain amounts (which I've never been good at). Last it means completely changing my diet. I don't know how comfortable I am with that - I really enjoy the things I'm supposedly allergic to. I've put off my blood test for over two weeks so far (too busy), forgotten my pills about half the time (working on it), and eaten everything I should not consistently (tho I have tried some cool new options). Being healthy is hard work. I think I need that B12 shot just to get up the energy to be motivated to do the things I should.


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