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Movie Wisdom

I've been watching a lot of movies lately. Not for any particular reason, I just sometimes find there are so many I haven't seen that I feel like I have to spend some time catching up. Here is the vast wisdom I've pulled from my latest selection.

Message from the movie Splice:

"You made your monster and now you must...sleep with it?"

Message from the movie Legend of the Guardians:

"Owls are so cute!"

Message to the writer, "Yes we can tell that you borrowed most of your ideas from other fantasy stories but appreciate that you translated them to the world of adorable baby owls"

Message from the movie To Paris with Love:

"Be wary of people who make their own clothes"
"No really that's all I could think..."

Message from the movie Inception:
"The subconscious is violent...very violent"
Oh and as my friend wrote on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Facebook,
"Dear Mr. King, I had a dream - within a dream - within a what? Leo"


  1. LOL on the Martin Luther King Jr. quote. Seriously made me grin. :D


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