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Showing posts from September, 2011

One chapter closes

It can be hard for me to show my emotions's tough when you have the peace loving, lets not rock the boat, or upset people sanguine personality from your Dad constantly fighting with the dramatic, artistic, who cares what people think melancholy personality of your Mom. Basically this means that I have lots of emotions lots of the time and the desire not to frighten others with them. This week has not been a good week for my sanguine side. Emotions have poured past my carefully constructed barriers and flooded all the poor saps within my reach (sorry sweet roomy). Not all of them bad...not by any means. Actually I've been rather bipolar but not in the months of up and months of down kind of way...more like the running around the house laughing and dancing like a crazy person then lying down on the couch and sobbing irrationally. Is it weird that quitting your job can provoke such a dramatic response? Maybe. All I know is that I have never been happier or sadder t...