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Showing posts from January, 2010


I just wanted to share this photo of Aanika! Isn't she cute? I love the sweet expression of peace on her face as she's held by her proud parents. I haven't actually met her yet, but I'm sure I will get the chance once she is out of the hospital.

frankly facebook

I am often surprised by the things I learn from my time on Facebook. Today was one of those days where news poured forth revealing changes in the world of family and friends. There were two changes in particular that stood out to me. For one, my sister had changed her relationship status from " It's complicated" to "Married to Isaac Arhinful" with a little heart beside it. I guess that means that couselling worked out pretty good and they're officially back together. Sweet. Hmm I guess that means I might be moving out on my own. Oh well that is kind of what I wanted. I scrolled down a little and noticed the second big change. My neice had added a sibling to her profile. Kayla. I thought that this may have something to do with a conversation from awhile ago, but instead found out that my neice is getting into all kinds of trouble and is teetering between that dangerous adolescent place of anger and boredom. I'm still not sure about how good or useful ...

Update on Olivia

So good news, Olivia survived a turbulent week of health problems and is now recovering in a post-partum room at FMC. Aanika (her baby) is doing well and can now spend time with her mommy at the hospital! Yay for good news!


Must say I'm feeling a little stressed out this morning. I have been very anxious for my friend Olivia and her baby. The good news is that the baby was brought into the world yesterday and is a healthy 3lb girl. The not so good news is that Olivia didn't do so well. I actually don't know how she is right now. The last I heard was before bed last night when her husband called to say that she is in a semi-coma and they were "working on her". Ugh I hate waiting. On top of that I found out last night that my sister and her husband are seperating. More like he's leaving her and the baby to pursue the thing that matters most to him, money. Normally this wouldn't really be my business except I live with them. My sister currently has no income of her own and a very high energy toddler to care for. There is no way the two of us can afford to stay where we are, so that means we have to move and soon. I'm tired just thinking about packing everything up and listen...