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Showing posts from July, 2009
Hahaha this is so going to be me when I'm older...oh wait it already kinda is "I used to be With IT. But then they changed what IT was. Now what I'm with isn't IT, and what's IT seems scary and wierd. It'll happen to YOU!" Grandpa Simpson

On the Road Again...well almost anyway

I hope this trip to BC with Irene goes well. We always have fun of course, but Irene and I have stumbled into more adventures than I think either of us have wanted when traveling together (tornados, creepy backroads, and most memorably...carless and walking to the nearest phone in the middle or nowhere about 10 minutes past the Montana/BC border in 40 degree heat!) This trip is to Pender Island BC and it is pretty well planned out so it should go well. Also we are driving Irene's nice car instead of my dads beat up old Ford Van this time! I'm going to attempt to document my trip while I am on it but since I'm not bringing my computer it may have to wait until I get home, or since I am a random blogger, possibly not at all!


Alright so this is my first attempt at creating a blog. Actually its the first time I've done any writing of any kind in a while. I like writing and it has always been something I want to do, but I think there is a certain amount of vulnerablity in writing your thoughts and observations on a blog that I wasn't comfortable with. I hope that I will be able to express myself well and that in the midst of this exercise I will learn to let go of some of my introverted and private ways and be candid in my postings. I chose this title because I have always considered myself an optimist, trying to find the best in people, in places, in circumstances, etc. But time and experience (as well as education) has made me a bit of a cautious optimist. I think that truth is sometimes hard to swallow and that things are often not as simple as they seem. Humour is a way that I can deal with reality. Humour to me does not change or disregard the fact that bad things happen, but offers you a chance ...